Be inspired now!

Be moved by our films (short films, medium-length films, feature films etc).

Be carried away by our portraits of Humble Heroes and of Great Souls.

Be touched by the testimonials of our celebrities.

Be amazed by our documentaries


Be inspired now!

Be moved by our films (short films, medium-length films, feature films etc).

Be carried away by our portraits of Humble Heroes and of Great Souls.

Be touched by the testimonials of our celebrities.

Be amazed by our documentaries


Our journalistic approach is resolutely forward-looking and places people at the heart of the issues at stake
while facing the reality and complexity of our world.

Humble heroes

What they have in common is passion, commitment and humility.
They often act in the shadows but their struggles are making a difference around the world.
They are the Humble Heroes of the NGO Le Projet Imagine !

Portrait of a Mexican-born Sister who has been working in Africa for over 30 years.

Dr. Devi Shetty, a brilliant Indian cardiologist, is today at the head of more than twenty hospitals in India.

This is the story of a Swiss couple whose idealism tinged with non-conformism will give birth to an extraordinary family history.

The struggle of a woman, Dominique Pace, who defends the idea that only education can break the endless spiral of poverty.

Pierre Gay dedicates his life to the preservation of endangered animal species around the world.

“To serve and love in all humility” is the motto of this hero who has been living in Cambodia for over 20 years.

One winter night, in 2012, Laurent Eyzat launched a passionate plea for the homeless.

By founding the “Jardins de Cocagne”, he changed the face of integration through economic activity.

Jean-Guy Henckel, whose grass is greener

Born without hands or legs, Ryadh Sallem, has become a multi-medalist high level sportsman.

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    You want to broadcast our films? Send us a message!