What if ecofeminism showed us the way to a sustainable future? Meet Dr. Vandana Shiva, a woman committed to the Living
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

We met her last October in Lille (France). Invited by Frédérique Bedos, Vandana Shiva agreed to participate in the opening of the Ecoposs Biennial and to give a Masterclass as part of our Ecoposs by Imagine Festival. she had just arrived straight from Delhi to dare to praise the future with us, carrying a vibrant message in favor of the Living, worthy of her extraordinary journey.
A researcher in quantum physics, philosopher, writer and director of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology (RFSTE, India), she has been fighting against the privatization of seeds, water and nature for nearly 50 years. Vandana Shiva blows the whistle on production-oriented agriculture leading to monoculture, the monopolization of resources, the overexploitation of water tables, the use of fossil fuels and deforestation. In that respect, she denounces the agri-food lobbies and their harmful consequences on food, health and thinking.
Dr. Shiva was able to establish a link between the ecological crisis, the exclusion of women and the dominant economic development model. According to her, the current crises we are facing – climate change, biodiversity decline, food and health crises… – are rooted in the denigration of nature (anthropocentrism) and of female productivity (androcene). Inspired by the Chipko movement that she discovered in the 1970s, she reminds us that human survival depends on the preservation of nature and emphasizes on the women key role in the protection of environment.
She invites us to a peaceful revolution
that consists in getting out of the will of “domination”
to put the spirit of “care”
back at the center of our societies’ concerns.
This seems to perfectly match the values we defend! To learn more, we accepted her invitation to attend the Diverse Women for Diversity (DWD) festival organized by the RFSTE in Dehradun, capital of the state of Uttarakhand (India), in early March. The event, which will culminate in a celebration of bio-cultural diversities on March 4, will bring together the Navdanya community to discuss the role of women in preserving biodiversity, seed sovereignty and food.
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